Ministry of the Teacher


Dr. Kenneth Meadors




Most of the graduate courses are for 2 credits, which includes eight to twelve 80-minute video presentations plus other assignments, readings, and papers. Each presentation is a video of actual classes taught on the campus of Vineyard Harvester Bible School and Seminary.

Some courses are for 3 credits, which means that there will be sixteen to eighteen 80-minute video presentations.

In the column to the right, you will find links to important documents that go with the course. Many courses will have a manual, which will have a rather extensive outline of each lesson of the course (some courses require a textbook which can be purchased at or A few courses only require the Bible (with a brief outline of each lesson).

There is a link to access the syllabus for the course. This syllabus gives specific instructions for the course including requirements for the course such as assignments and guidelines for the course.

There is a link for appropriate Study Guides (some are required to be answered and returned for a grade). Other study guides will be just for your benefit in preparing for your exam. The details will be in the syllabus of the course.

It is important to start with Lesson One and follow the proper sequence through the final lesson. We feel that each class has a spirit of impartation in addition to the "facts" or knowledge of the course. It is important to view each lesson in order to get the full benefit of your Biblical education.

The courses are to be taken on the honor system, meaning that it is between you and God as to how much diligence you exercise in fulfilling the requirements of the course.

When all classes have been viewed and all assignments are completed, you will be ready for the Final Exam. In most cases, the Study Guides represent adequate preparation for the exam. When you are ready for the Final Exam, you will need to email the school at for the exam to be sent back to you.

All assignments and exams will be transmitted to the school and back to you the student via email. It is necessary for you to provide your email address upon registration.

Again, you will be on the honor system in taking your Final Exam. You will be asked to verify that you have followed the proper guidelines provided. Do not use any outside resources (such as notes, books, Bibles, etc.) unless otherwise noted. A few courses are open-book tests, which means you can have access to any materials. These exams are typically essay questions, which are to be answered scholarly, including appropriate grammar and sentence structure.

All assignments should be typed and returned by email. All communications should be via email, unless it is necessary to telephone for more specific instructions.

A grade will be assigned after the completion of each course, and a grade report sent to the student.

If you are in a degree program, you can confer with the Dean of Academic Affairs in designing an appropriate Program of Study.

May God's blessings be upon you as you present yourself for further training in the Kingdom of God.

Important Materials


Course Syllabus Outline

Course Manual

Study Guide #1

Study Guide #2




Lesson 7a

Lesson 7b

Lesson 8a

Lesson 8b

Lesson 9a

Lesson 9b

Lesson 10a

Lesson 10b

Lesson 11a

Lesson 11b

Lesson 12 (about 43 min.)
